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Best Machine Learning Courses on YouTube

In a relatively short period of time, machine learning has altered the globe. We need to understand how to analyze and acquire value from data because it is expanding at an accelerating rate. Machine learning is a field that integrates statistics and software development into a specific talent with the purpose of developing predictive models. We must continually learn new things in order to stay on top of our game. Learning from smarter people, especially for free, is one of my favorite things to do.

Subscribing to the greatest machine learning YouTube channels is one of the most effective ways to do so. It’s a fantastic source of information, up-to-date trends, and a simple way to learn new skills. We’ll go over the top 14 YouTube channels in this article so you can arm yourself with machine learning skills. These YouTube channels will help you to get a comprehensive understanding of machine learning totally free of cost.

1. Machine Learning Courses by Sentdex

If you prefer to study everything from the ground up, this is without a doubt the greatest YouTube channel to study about Machine Learning. The creator of the YouTube channel Sentdex, Harrison Kinsley, teaches people about technological developments such as Python programming, web development, and deep learning. If you want to discover how each algorithm’s process works, such as how bias and intercept are changed at each epoch, or how to build a machine learning algorithm from the ground up, check out Harrison Kinsley’s series. His tutorials range in difficulty from beginner to expert. It goes beyond the basics with more than 1000 videos regarding Python Programming lessons. Machine learning, finance, data analysis, robotics, web development, game development, and other topics are covered.

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2. Machine Learning Courses by Data School

Machine learning aficionados are educated by Kevin Markham, the creator of and the proprietor of the YouTube channel Data School. Kevin’s teaching allows you to gain a thorough knowledge of machine learning irrespective of your educational background. Kevin also creates videos that cover a variety of technologies, like pandas, NumPy, and sci-kit-learn, that may be used to create machine learning models. You can obtain a strong understanding of machine learning concepts by binge-watching Kevin’s series.

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3. Machine Learning Courses by Artificial Intelligence – All in One

On the channel Artificial Intelligence – All in One, there are outstanding programs presented by specialists such as Andrew Ng, Nitish Srivastava, and Geoffery Hinton. Text mining, text retrieval, and search engines, as well as Neural Networks and Computer Vision, are covered in the Artificial Intelligence – All in One course. You might want to look into the following series, which is taught by Andrew Ng himself, to obtain a good understanding of machine learning ideas.

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4. Machine Learning Courses by Phil

Phil Tabor is a machine learning engineer who makes training movies about machine learning and artificial intelligence. He’s put up a fantastic playlist of Deep Reinforcement Learning courses in which he covers topics such as deep deterministic policy gradients in TensorFlow 2, soft actor-critics in PyTorch, Robotic Control with TD3, and more.

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5. Machine Learning Courses by Two Minute Papers

Two Minute Papers is a fantastic channel for everyone interested in staying up to date on the paper focuses on the development in the Machine Learning field. Two Minute Papers creates movies that are almost two minutes long and describe a research paper. If you’re interested in research, you might want to look at the following series. This channel will provide you with all the information you will need to start a successful career in machine learning.

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6. Machine Learning Courses by Kaggle

The Kaggle channel is a YouTube channel where you can learn about the Kaggle network, as well as undertake data science work. The channel features interviews with data scientists, courses, and helpful hints in the form of videos. This is one of the greatest machine learning YouTube channels for anyone who wishes to study new tricks, experiment with new approaches, and apply them to their own work, regardless of their industry.

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7. Machine Learning Courses by Jeremy Howard

Jeremy Howard is a data scientist with a degree in philosophy. Out of curiosity, he used his understanding of statistics and coding to create fastai, the most effective and easy-to-use framework for deep learning applications. Before, creating deep neural networks was never as simple as it is now. If you want to develop deep neural networks that perform tasks in the field of computer vision such as image segmentation, classification techniques, and picture restoration with minimal coding and maximum results, then is for you. With the help of the library, you might want to binge-watch the following series to obtain a strong understanding of deep learning.

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8. Machine Learning Courses by Lex Fridman Podcast

One of the most prominent and excellent machines learning YouTube channels is Lex Fridman Podcast. Its presenter is an AI researcher at MIT and elsewhere who works on autonomous cars, human-robot interaction, and machine learning.

Lex and his guests discuss all things AI and machine learning. He isn’t, however, limited to this subject. He goes on to discuss additional topics that can inspire, teach, and push you to go beyond your limits. All of the machine learning superstars, influencers, and prominent scientists share their thoughts. Elon Musk, Nick Bostrom, Andrew Ng, Yann LeCun, Vladimir Vapnik, Mat, Botvinnik, and a slew of others were among the people he spoke with. Lex Clips is his second YouTube account, where he shares clips from his podcast and other videos.

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9. Machine Learning Courses by Arxiv Insights

Xander Steenbrugge owns the channel Arxiv Insights. From a technical standpoint, he highlights his key findings while making them accessible to a wider audience. That’s the place to go if you enjoy technical analyses on machine learning and artificial intelligence but want a nice summary of the more difficult and technical issues. Despite the fact that the author does not post videos on a regular basis, the channel is lauded for its engaging material.

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10. Machine Learning Courses by Google Cloud Platform

It would be a sin if you didn’t sign up for Google Cloud Platform. You may learn about topics including safe architecture, developer tools, APIs, data analytics, and machine learning on the channel. This ML YouTube channel will teach you all you need to know about how Google works, how to become a better data scientist, and anything else Google. This channel can give you a comprehensive understanding of machine learning and all the videos are engaging and interactive and you will absolutely love it.

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10. Machine Learning Courses by DeepLearning.TV

DeepLearning.TV is dedicated to the study of deep learning. How To’s, evaluations of software packages and apps, and interviews with experts in the area are among the topics covered in the program. A series of concept films demonstrating the idea behind each Deep Learning method is now available to help you better grasp how deep learning works. You will definitely enjoy the videos and if you work hard enough and try and be consistent, you can get a thorough understanding of machine learning just from the videos included in this channel. This YouTube channel includes how-to videos, the software library and application reviews, and interviews with experts in the subject of deep learning. DeepLearning.TV is devoted to Deep Learning, a kind of artificial intelligence that trains robots to comprehend the world. The channel contains subjects such as How To’s, evaluations of software libraries and applications, and interviews with major individuals in the field, beginning with a program that simplifies Deep Learning. We’ll show you that Deep Learning is actually easier than you think with a series of concept films that demonstrate the intuition behind each Deep Learning method.

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11. The TWIML AI Podcast with Sam Charrington

Check out the TWIML (This Week in Machine Learning) Podcast YouTube channel if you want to stay up to date on the newest machine learning news. The most intriguing and relevant stories from the worlds of machine learning and artificial intelligence will be found here each week. It’s an excellent source of information and expertise for anyone interested in staying up to date on the newest trends, breakthroughs, and unique insights from ML specialists. The channel is one of the top machine learning youtube channels you can find on the internet.

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12. Machine Learning Courses by JomaTech

Joma Tech is a YouTuber who creates videos to assist people who want to work in the technology field. He worked as a data scientist and software engineer for significant technological organizations. Based on his experiences, he creates movies of expert interviews and Silicon Valley culture to make data science more accessible.

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Indu Singh

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