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Luce Scholars Program

Introduction and Background

Are you a graduating senior, recent graduate, or young professional with a passion for exploring Asia and fostering cross-cultural understanding? Look no further than the Luce Scholars Program, a prestigious fellowship established in 1974. This nationally competitive program offers early-career leaders immersive, professional experiences in Asia, aiming to strengthen relationships and deepen understanding between the United States and Asian countries.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Luce Scholars Program, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Graduating seniors, recent graduates, or young professionals
  • U.S. citizens
  • Applicants who have spent 18 weeks or more in one of the countries where Luce Scholars are placed are ineligible

The program values traits such as exploratory curiosity, adaptability, open-mindedness, resilience, humility, and a commitment to serving and supporting others.


The Luce Scholars Program provides a unique opportunity for 18 individuals each year. Successful applicants receive stipends, language training, and personalized professional placements in Asia. The program has a proud alumni network of approximately 800 individuals, who have gone on to become global leaders and citizens, contributing significantly to various fields.

Application Process

Unlike many other scholarships, the Luce Scholars Program does not require a campus nomination. However, prospective applicants are encouraged to consult with the Office of Student Fellowships and Awards (OSFA) several months before the national deadline if they seek assistance. For inquiries or guidance, contact the UTEP Office of Student Fellowships and Awards at

Important Dates

  • Application Deadline: Open


The Luce Scholars Program opens doors for those eager to engage with Asia on a deeper level. If you possess the traits and interests sought by the program, don’t miss this chance to become part of a network of influential global leaders. Start your journey by exploring the immersive opportunities the Luce Scholars Program has to offer!

Apply Now


Jyoti is an expert in guiding students with respect to their career choices. She conducts sessions, workshops and seminars at schools and colleges for the same. It is her passion to help youngsters make an informed decision, with respect to their career choices. She has a proven track record for guiding students to get placed in leading companies.View Author posts

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