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Dennis and Shirley Feldman Fellowship

Introduction and Background

Aspiring journalists, attention! The Dennis and Shirley Feldman Fellowship is an exciting opportunity that could be the stepping stone to your dream career in journalism. Established to honor the legacy of journalist and public relations adviser Dennis Feldman and his wife, Shirley, this fellowship aims to support graduate students in journalism with a one-time stipend of $5,000 to ease the financial burden of tuition costs.

Scholarship Details

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Dennis and Shirley Feldman Fellowship, applicants must:

  • Be enrolled in or in the process of applying for admission to an accredited graduate program in journalism in the U.S.
  • Have a clear career goal in journalism.
  • Be a U.S. citizen.

Applicants are not required to have published journalism work samples, but they should be ready to showcase strong writing skills and a genuine commitment to the field.


The fellowship offers a one-time stipend of $5,000 to successful applicants. This financial support is intended to help defray the costs associated with pursuing post-graduate studies in journalism.

Application Process

The application process for the Dennis and Shirley Feldman Fellowship is straightforward, but thorough. Here’s a checklist to ensure you submit a complete application:

  1. Short Elevator Pitch (150 words): Explain why you’re interested in journalism and how you’ve pursued it so far.
  2. College Transcript (PDF): Provide your most recent college transcript.
  3. Essay (500 words): Submit a 500-word essay outlining your intentions and plans for your journalism graduate studies.
  4. Resume (PDF): Include a comprehensive resume highlighting your relevant experiences.
  5. Financial Need Description (Form): Complete a brief description of your financial need.
  6. Work Samples (Up to five): Showcase your ongoing experience or interest in journalism. This can include published stories, broadcast news clips, podcast episodes, video news stories, or other journalistic work samples. Ensure audio or visual work samples are no longer than 4 minutes per clip.
  7. Letters of Recommendation (Three): Obtain letters of recommendation from teachers, professors, employers, or leaders familiar with your work and ethic.

Important Dates

Mark your calendars! The application deadline for the Dennis and Shirley Feldman Fellowship is Sunday, April 14, 2024. Late or incomplete submissions will not be considered, so plan accordingly.

Tips for Applying

  1. Prepare in Advance: Gather all required materials before starting your application. Once you begin, you won’t be able to save and return to your submission.
  2. Quality Over Quantity: Emphasize the quality of your work samples over quantity. Each piece should highlight your skills and passion for journalism.
  3. Clear and Concise Writing: When crafting your elevator pitch and essay, focus on clarity and conciseness. Make every word count.
  4. Check Accessibility: Ensure that all work samples are accessible and provide descriptions in case of broken or paywalled links.
  5. Timely Submission: Don’t wait until the last minute. Submit your application well before the deadline to avoid any technical glitches or issues.

In Conclusion

The Dennis and Shirley Feldman Fellowship is a fantastic opportunity for budding journalists to receive financial support and recognition for their dedication to the field. Seize this chance to propel your journalism career forward. Good luck, and may your passion for storytelling shine through in your application

Apply Now


Jyoti is an expert in guiding students with respect to their career choices. She conducts sessions, workshops and seminars at schools and colleges for the same. It is her passion to help youngsters make an informed decision, with respect to their career choices. She has a proven track record for guiding students to get placed in leading companies.View Author posts

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