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Best Machine Learning Courses 2018

One of the skills that are likely to become more valuable day by day is knowing the principles and practices around artificial intelligence, automation, and cognitive systems. It really doesn’t matter what your field is, having a working knowledge of this will be a great asset.

The great news is that if you want to become familiar about this technology, you don’t have to spend years of your life studying and training for it. Every day there more and more online and off-campus courses that allow you to learn about machine learning, and the cover the basics and the advanced implementation of this field.

In the list below, we have includes some of the best online courses for machine learning, some from very prestigious institutions, so if you’re looking into developing yet another skill that will surely be a coveted one by most companies, then check some of these options.

Discovers our given list of “Best Machine Learning Courses” and choose the best one according to your interest and needs. Good luck!!

Machine Learning Certification by Stanford University

Considered to be the best online course for machine learning, it was created by Andrew Ng, founder of Coursera and a Stanford University Professor. Since its creation, over 1,678,000 students and professionals worldwide have taken the course. The topics in this course cover supervised learning, best practices, and innovation in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, as well as reviewing case studies and applications. The student can ask for a certificate for $79.

  • Price: Free Online Course (Audit)
  • Duration: 11 weeks.

Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science

The aim of this course is to help you master Machine Learning on Python and R, as well as make correct predictions, build models, handle tools such as reinforcement learning, NLP, and Deep Learning. It also teaches you to choose the right model for every type of problem. You only need to know basic high school mathematics. It offers 40 hours of learning and 19 articles.

  • Price: $9.99
  • Duration: Self-paced

Principles of Machine Learning

This course is offered by Microsoft and it is part of the Microsoft Professional Program Certificate in Data Science. In this program, the student will learn the theory of machine learning as well as applying that theory to practical scenarios. It aims to develop practical experience in building, testing and deploying machine learning models. I cover topics like Regression in machine learning, non-linear modeling, Clustering, and many others. The student can also get a verified certificate for $99.

  • Price: Free
  • Duration: 6 weeks

Best Machine Learning Courses

Machine Learning Specialization

This course is divided into five intermediate level courses aimed at helping students specialize in Machine Learning. It uses case studies in order to help the student gain experience in a practical setting in major areas of Machine Learning, such as Prediction, Classification, Information Retrieval and Clustering.

  • Price: Free
  • Duration: 25 weeks.

Advanced Machine Learning Specialization

This course is divided into seven advanced machine learning specialization courses. They cover areas such as Deep Learning, Practical Reinforcement Learning, Deep Learning in Computer Vision and many more. At the end of the course, the students will get their certificate.

  • Price: Free.
  • Duration: 35 weeks.

Learn Machine Learning

This is a self-paced course that offers a lot of learning content as well as interactive quizzes and it covers subjects like Introduction to Data Science, Unsupervised Learning, Deep Learning, and others. It is divided into five courses and it can take around 10 weeks to complete, although it is self-paced.

  • Price: Free.
  • Duration: Self-paced

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Machine Learning

This program is offered by Columbia University and it is aimed at teaching the students how to apply models and methods in real world situations that may range from identifying trending news topics and ranking sports teams to building recommendation engines. Some of the topics covered include Clustering Methods, Sequential Models, Topic Modeling, and more.

  • Price: Free.
  • Duration: 12 weeks

Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a branch of artificial intelligence, where computers have the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. It covers both theoretical and practical issues. This course presents algorithms and several approaches in a way that they are grounded in larger systems. It also covers theory, such as Inductive Bias, the PAC, and Ockham’s Razor. Programming and getting involved in projects is also part of the program.

  • Price: Free.
  • Duration: 14 weeks

Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp

This course is aimed at teaching you how to use Python to analyse data, create amazing visualizations and learn how to use machine learning algorithms. Data science is a very rewarding career choice that can be very lucrative and it is rewarding at a professional level since its main objective is to solve interesting problems. This course offers over 100 HD video lectures and code notebooks for each one of them, making it one of the most comprehensive courses for data science and machine learning.

  • Price: $9.99
  • Duration: Self-paced

Scala and Spark for Big Data and Machine Learning

Scala and Spark are becoming two of the most requested skills in the market right now to analyze Big Data. The course offers full projects that include topics like analyzing financial data or using machine learning to classify e-commerce customer behavior Your resume will improve massively when you put Scala and Spark skills in there.

  • Price: $9.99
  • Duration: Self-paced

Indu Singh

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